Normandale news

What’s happening in Normandale July 2018

Committee meeting July 19th 7:30 17 Pokohiwi Road All paid-up members welcome to attend.


What’s happening in Normandale June 2018

Community Recycling Day — June 9th (postponed to 10th if wet) Any unwanted items that may be usable by others can be left outside your home, clearly identified as recycling. Anyone interested can then collect the items. Anything left should be taken in at the end of the day. Inorganic Rubbish Collection — June 16th…


Normandale Residents AGM

The Normandale Residents Association will be holding their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 21st June 2017 at St Aidan’s Church, cnr Stratton Street and Poto Road, beginning at 7:30pm. All Normandale Residents are welcome.   Sandie Matcham, Secretary NRA


Hutt City Annual Plan

Hear Mayor Wallace and some of his team talk about the Council’s draft Annual Plan Thursday 20th April 7:30pm, St Aidan’s Church. We hear there are big changes so check it out on Meeting organised by your resident’s association


Clean-up Normandale — Cancelled due to weather

Check for updates with new date When: Saturday 17th September, 10am Where: Meet on the playing field below Normandale School Gloves and bags will be provided. Collect your bags and choose where in Normandale you wish to tidy, then return bags for collection


Committee Meetings

Please Note: The committee meetings are now the 3rd Thursday of the month, at St. Aiden’s Church, 7:30


Inorganic Rubbish – metal collection

Due to a misunderstanding the truck that was to collect the scrap metal put out for the inorganic rubbish collection didn’t turn up this morning. Don’t worry, they will be around tomorrow, and we will also complete the rest of the roads we didn’t do today.


Inorganic rubbish collection

Inorganic Rubbish Collection Saturday August 15th Yes, it’s that time of year again, and we would really appreciate your help in loading rubbish, so why not organise a group from your street or area and join in the fun!.  And before you start rummaging through the garage to clear out all those unwanted and unloved…


New Use for Scout Hall

The Hutt Valley Dojo, who teach traditional Kyokushin Karate, would like to buy the old Scout Hall and refurbish it as a training centre. They have indicated that they would also be happy to share the facility with other similar organisations. Let us know what you think. Vote or comment on the ‘Have your say’…


Annual General Meeting

The Normandale Residents Association will be holding their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 17th June 2015 at St Aidan’s Church, cnr Stratton Street and Porto Road, beginning at 7:30pm. All Normandale Residents are welcome. Pete Matcham, President NRA